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Updated: Oct 3, 2022

Why FullStackS CARE?

With FullStackS CARE / SUSE RANCHER, we provide a forward-looking service that focuses on the continuous development of your SUSE RANCHER platform.

In the past year, we implemented a large number of container and Kubernetes projects for and with our customers. In the process, it became increasingly clear that:

Companies need a DevOpS platform as a solid foundation for innovation.

Together with our vendor partners and their enterprise subscriptions, our consulting and architecture expertise, we make this available to all our customers through our first proprietary product "FullStackS CARE / SUSE RANCHER".

What's in it?

Regular Tech Update Sessions

Quarterly tech update session on SUSE Rancher and Kubernetes with news, changes, roadmap and visions as well as current focus topics of the SUSE Rancher ecosystem. This technical session with individually created presentations provides space for discussion as well as Q&A. As a customer, you will receive the presentation and the summary of the meeting as a PDF report afterwards.


Semi-annual, retrospective review of the last period to identify and show potential for

Identifying and highlighting potential for improvement. Focus is not only on the technical topics, but also on organizational measures and ongoing collaboration to enable "DevOps at Scale".

Advisories and Architectural Reviews

On-demand delivery of up-to-date security advisories, information on current and new versions for SUSE Rancher and Kubernetes with summary and recommended action. Validated information and versions pre-validated in the appropriate Support Range in the FullStackS lab.

Best practice and participation

On-demand FullStackS CARE customers receive Findings, Best Practices from the complete install base

  • Improvements in the Terraform standard code

  • Testing of the new Terraform providers (hints for usage)

  • Code for using the packer images (Ubuntu, SLES)

  • Support for additional cloud providers

Regular Health-Checks

Semi-annual health checks with the following scope:

  • Checkup of the complete landscape including the underlying infrastructure (e.g. VMs, load balancers, DNS, certificates, etc.)

  • Compliance Check

  • Compatibility Check

  • Audit Repot & Advisory with "traffic light" assessment

Pre-Validated Software Updates

Quarterly software updates for SUSE Rancher and Downstream Cluster (SUSE Rancher Management Server and Kubernetes versions of Downstream Cluster Nodes). All updates are "pre-validated" by FullStacks. This means that they are checked for compatibility and update/upgrade path.

Each update follows a regulated process consisting of:

  • Pre-Update / Upgrade Checks

  • Backup

  • Update / Upgrade

  • Post-Update / Upgrade Checks

  • Backup

In addition, all components are updated in recommended order (incl. decay and settling phase).

Optionally, the VM/Node OS for the following Linux distributions:

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

can be included in the maintenance contract and also get updated on a quarterly basis.

Coordination of all manufacturer cases

On-demand coordination and management of vendor support cases via SUSE Customer Center (SCC). FullStackS handles all communication and incident handling for the customer vis-à-vis the vendor partner.

A valid SUSE Support Subscription for SUSE Rancher Management Server and Nodes is needed.

Shared Slack Channel with a Designated Engineer (8x5 ; Q&A)

Designate a Designated Engineer for the customer to serve as the primary point of contact for the customer's SUSE Rancher environment.

Establish and provide a Slack Connect for direct messaging and questions from customer side to FullStackS during normal business hours (Q&A - without SLA).

Your advantages at a glance

  • A forward-thinking service that prioritises the evolution of your platform.

  • A customised briefing with all relevant information that optimally meets your requirements.

  • The certainty of running an optimal Kubernetes platform.

  • Benefits continuously from know-how and best practice from a variety of Kubernetes projects.

  • Increase technology adoption and proactively care for the platform.



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